What is Hope?

Hope is a super power. It acts as the fuel that drives you in the desired direction. But, how do you ‘get’ it? What gives us hope?

The answer is simple. Hope is not something you have or give to someone. It is something you create, with your actions.

Think about it, a promise blooms into hope only when it is acted upon. Let me illustrate with a very common example:

You see an advertisement for a job opening – it’s a promise, an opportunity. 

You act on it, send in your profile for consideration – you ‘hope’ to get selected. This hope further gets strengthened when you hear back from the company.

Likewise, in situations persisting to regular life, what you ‘do’ becomes the base, the foundation for hope and trust to grow and flourish. It is not necessarily a transaction between people, rather, your actions can give YOU hope. Your thoughts turning into action is the best way you can create hope for yourself.

Hope grows. It is not merely assumption of a positive outcome, but it is the motivation! It involves activity, your will-power to make things happen and to move in a desired direction. Hope is contagious when you are with the right people. Hope and growth are directly proportional. Hope is the tool to one's perseverence... And hope is the path to success... 

So, from today, beloved readers, BE your own ray of hope!

Padmapriya. K

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