Spiritual Meditation

Meditation helps to gain control of the mind, developing mental integrity and peace of mind. We can feel its benefit when we practice deep meditation. The question of many is how to meditate well? Let’s look at the simple ways to meditate now.

First choose your favorite deity. It could be your family deity or any other deity you like. You may even choose to meditate twice a day. We should ensure that we meditate regularly at the same timing. Choose a place in the house for meditation. It could be a prayer room or some other quiet place.

Spread out the mat and sit with your head, neck, and spine aligned straight. Place hands be on the lap. Close your eyes and imagine for a few minutes that the vast infinite sky - with no sun, moon, stars, or clouds - is in dim light. Now take your sense center to the heart. Imagine there a red lotus with twelve petals. Imagine your favorite deity seated on it.

Now pray fervently to your favorite deity. Pray for good health, peace of mind, faith, devotion, wisdom, detachment. Meditate on your favorite deity for five or ten minutes. Even if the mind runs stray, pull it together and focus on the desired deity. To give you more control on your focus chant the name of your favorite deity at least 108 times. You may even imagine an entire traditional pooja being performed right there. There... You are the temple and your mind is the sanctum sanctorium. Feel the positivity radiating throughout your body

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