Worship Shri Raghavendra : When and How

Thursday is the most auspicious day to start the fast for Mahan Sri Raghavendra. Pooja should be performed with utmost faith for six consecutive Thursdays. Waking up on the first Thursday morning, one should finish morning chores, shower, wear clean clothes and wear Tiruneeru or sandalwood on the forehead.

To begin with, one should carve Lord Ganesha in turmeric and offer sandalwood paste, kumkum, flowers, betel leaves, fruits, coconut etc.

The image of Sriragavendra should be placed on an elevated board in the pooja room. Make sure the pooja room is clean and decorate it with rangoli. Adorn the image of the Mahan with sandalwood paste, kumkum and tulsi garlands. Similarly, adorn the lamp or kuthuvilakku. Place the image of Sri Raghavendra in the middle for worship.

After lighting the lamp and incense for the Mahan, chant the following mantra by holding basil leaves in hand:

Pujyaya Raghavendraya 
Sathya Dharma Rathayacha 
Bajatham Kalpa Vrukshaya Namatham 
Sri Kamadehnave

As you chant, come around (pradakshana) the Mahan's image eleven times. After worshiping in this manner for six consecutive Thursdays, one should offer sweet pongal and fruits on the seventh Thursday.

Keep in mind that the seventh Thursday is the fasting day of this pooja. Although liquids can be consumed during the day. Finish your fast by eating a little milk rice at night. This worship is sure to bring you all prosperity and growth.

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