Recharge in the middle of the week with the power of your breath

Targets, Deadlines, Meetings, Peer pressure – waiting for weekend already? Here’s how you can recharge your mind a little to sail through the week with amazing energy. With all the buzzing around us, we fail to see that we burden ourselves with our own expectations. The assumption of how we are perceived by our immediate environment only adds to that pressure.

Here’s where Buddha’s preaching come to our rescue. “Expectations are the roots to our suffering” To put in layman terms, the pressure you are reeling under is nothing but your own expectations; the clasp of your wants!

Fortunately for us, Buddha has also left to us the way to get out of this clasp: Meditation! Here’s how you can spend just a few minutes to tap the power of meditation by doing nothing!

Yes, you read it right: DO NOTHING!

Find a corner where no one will disturb you - under your staircase or the roof top. More importantly, shush your phone. Now, sit in the position most comfortable to you. Look around you observe things that don’t matter. Be it ants crawling on the floor, or dried leaves rustling around. Focus on the emptiness. Let unwanted thoughts rush in and fade away on their own. While doing all this, count your breaths. One in, one out. Is your breathing in longer than breathing out? Focus and find out. Keep breathing and keep counting. Keep doing this as long as your body lets you to do… Listen to your body – feel it relax. Unwind.

Food for thought: While focusing on that breath, feel grateful for the life that flows through you. There! You are one with the universe!

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